Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday finish - 2024 collector's heart

I had made good progress on the 2024 Collector's Heart from Heart in Hand which I purchased from Peakside Needleworks earlier in the year. The pattern came with the required fabric and the butterfly button, but I was surprised that there was no thread. Fortunately, I had all the called for colours apart from one which I substituted with Weeks dye Works merlot. I had to stop my stitching at the end of April as I ran out of Classic Colorworks Licorice Red, Peakside Needleworks to the rescue again after they had a short holiday.

A little bit of focus this week and it was soon complete. However, progress on framing the piece came to an abrupt halt as I have no double-sided tape. Today my car is going in for some work discovered at a recent service so I will have to wait until Saturday to pick some up. Meanwhile, my husband has kindly got out the blackboard paint to paint two finishing pieces. Apparently, it takes three days for it to dry completely so I will have to be patient!!

We have a bank holiday weekend this weekend, so I plan to focus on one WIP per day to make some progress:
Mave skirt - cut out
Snap happy - ready to add sashing and borders
La Vie en Rose Nantes by Veruschka Zarate - extra borders to add perhaps, before quilting.
Customer quilt which needs a row unpicked


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