Wednesday, October 25, 2023

WIP Wednesday - Maple and Eucalyptus

My #100day100blocks quilt has now been quilted. Having found the Quietplay 108" backing in stsh and purchased wadding, the backing and wadding had been loaded on my machine for about ten days. I had mistakenly thought that the quilt blocks were 10" squares but they were 8" squares and I was daunted by the sheer width of the backing on my machine. 

Yesterday I pressed and loaded the quilt top, having decided to do at least two rows a day. I was delighted that by the end of the day, the whole quilt was quilted. It is now ready to trim and bind using a Quietplay stripe. I'd like to finish this quilt and one other in October and focus on smaller makes in November and December

I used the digital pantograph Fast Feather by Christy Dillon using King Tut by Superior Threads in the colour Cleopatra. 

I now need to focus on binding two quilts and finishing my UFO challenge cross stitch - June Cottage. 


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