Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WIP Wednesday - crazy zauberball socks

I love the Crazy Zauberball sock wool by Schoppel I do like a matched pair of socks but Crazy Zauberball socks are anything but matched!

On my bunny blockers by Ainsworth and Prin are a pair of vanilla socks of 60 stitches knitted toe up with a fish lips kiss heel. I use 2.25mm circular needles and I knit these two at a time. These were knit a couple of months ago and just needed the four ends sewing in. I finished these in 30 minutes including the soaking and blocking. It's silly what little jobs are left not done when they result in a finished product in a short space of time.

On my blockers from Loop of London are a pair of vanilla socks with a fish lips kiss heel made from the scraps of the Crazy Zauberball in colour 2231 striped with a full ball of 2254. The lighter colour was purchased on a trip to Yorkshire to go on retreat with my friend Gill. There is just a nugget of the red colourway left. I did five rounds of each colour and carried the yarn up the inside of the sock.

Next I need to prep a pair of socks for our forthcoming holiday and finish the fringe on a scarf to be donated to the shoebox appeal for Romania.

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