Monday, August 19, 2019

make & take Monday

Most months at Jersey Modern Quilt Group we have either a make & take or demo. There are so many great free patterns on the internet that we try to highlight to members. One that caught my eye was Sotak Handmade's slim pencil case.

It was my turn to do the make & take so first we share the link to the blog or website so that members can see the requirements and print off the instructions if they're interested in participating. Then it was time to do a prototype. I was pleased to find a random improv block which I cut in two to make a pencil case for my daughter. These are the fabrics I used in her going to university quilt and she plans to use it for make up brushes.

The instructions were easy to follow so long as you spot to not top stitch the lining as well as the case front once the zipper was inserted. So many didn't listen and didn't read the instructions!! On Saturday I took several projects at different stages and added a few hints, tips and warnings to read the pattern. After our meeting I finished the three part sewn pencil cases and I am pleased with them. I didn't have 7" zippers so I added an inch to the measurements of the pencil case and used an 8" zipper instead. If you have ever wondered how to measure a zipper, it's from the top of the head to the bar at the bottom of the zipper.

The turquoise windmills are for me to put in my singer Featherweight case as I need to buy some oil to keep in the box and also replace the 13 amp fuse with a 3 amp fuse. a great little project an I used Art Gallery samples fabrics for the linings of the bags.

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