Monday, February 25, 2019

Rabbit holes

I have fallen down the sewalong rabbit hole again. all of these patterns on Instagram are so appealing. apparently over 800 people are participating in the sewalong which starts in two weeks time.

I decided to use some of my stash of Alison Glass fabrics but of course, some colours, especially red and mauve I don't have in much variety so I ordered the latest AG fabric from Sew Hot. I also needed some fabric for the alternating blocks and when my LQS - Crafty Quilters poste that they have Basic Grey grunge in stock in onyx, I hot footed it around there. Fortunately the invoice hadn't come with the delivery so Jenny will let me know how much I owe, as I had left my phone and purse at home with no means to pay. Jenny know where I live!

I decided to get myself organised in advance of the sewalong starting on 10 March, the day we leave for four nights in Iceland. I had printed the patterns onto carol Doak foundation paper, but need to order some more along with a photo of the whole quilt and the sewalong timetable.

I slipped everything into this book of plastic sleeves and labelled one sleeve for each week to try and keep organised. even the timetable is cute.

I have sine moved the foundation patterns to the sleeve for each week and have started sewing as we will be away for the whole of the first week. And later in the sewalong we have a few days in France at the Pour L'Amour du Fils quilt show. Fortunately free wifi means we can post wherever we are in the world. And the deadline for the finished quilt top is before a two week trip.

In my defence I have also finished the Quilter's Planner BOM quilt top. I need to finish quilting my Violet Craft lion and then I can quilt that BOM along with two customer quilts. I also have suitable binding in my stash to finish the QP BOM. I plan to have it finished by the end of the month to reduce my UFOs for the Q2 Finish along.

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