Monday, February 18, 2019

February BOM progress

I need to keep focussed on these BOMs so they don't overwhelm me.

1. 2019 Perfect HST BOM Block-of-the-Month program with Freshly Pieced
This is released on the first Monday of each month and I have completed the January and February blocks. I am pleased with how they are looking.

2. Threadology with Fat Quarter Shop
I have decided to use plain white for the background which I have in stash along with Ombre Confetti by V & Co (also in stash).

I have labelled the leftover strips to hopefully make it quicker to retrieve the correct sized strip for the following blocks.

3. Quiet Play Pattern Club
The lavender has arrived to turn this block into a lavender bag by Tuesday for my daughter but I have failed to find a background that I am happy with, so this has stalled.

4. The Quilter's Planner BOM
I had made the blocks for January and February but my iron spat on both blocks so I needed to start again. However the patterns come with the planner so I have got ahead and completed all of the blocks. I should be able to put this together in the coming weeks.

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