I was so delighted to get my Janome Atelier 7 back on Monday from being repaired in the UK. I even put away my smaller machine last night and set the Atelier 7 up. I also pinned some of the blocks, ready for some sewing on Tuesday. I am so very nearly up to date, but I have made a filler block in Block 4, 2" too small so I will make another filler block when we work on section 8. Otherwise, I am finished with sections 1 to 7.

Section 9 needed just one narrow filler block, so I stitched it along with other fillers. we have lots of blocks for future sections already complete so for section 8, we already have four embroidered blocks which are also on my design wall.

Aren't the gingerbread men in the snow globes just the cutest? Time to put away this project until the video for the next section is released.

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