Wednesday, April 19, 2023

WIP Wednesday -Trinket SAL week 3

This week is week 3 of the Trinket SAL with Alison Glass. Week 1's task was to stitch and share blocks 1 to 5. These are nice simple blocks to get us warmed up. I particularly like the middle block of this photo as it's a chance to use up skinny strips from my Ruby Star Society scrap bag.

Week 2 was more simple blocks and I love the apples and strawberries in the blocks. The apple fabric was a 5" scrap from a RSS scrap bag from Olive & Flo Handcraft.

Week 3 is a bonus catch up week and we have to share any block or blocks from weeks 1 and 2. Here are the first two sets of blocks together.

If everything has gone to plan, we should be heading by ferry to France with the car today and specifically to Nantes for the Pour L'Amour event. This is the third time that my 95 year old father will be joining us and will be a nice short break for us all. This time we are staying outside of the city centre near to the exhibition and then heading to Chateau Briant for two nights and that takes us back towards St Malo, from where we catch the ferry.


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