Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Work in Progress Wednesday - BOM


Despite the current delays in post, I received the top up of Kona Nightfall to enable me to complete my London block for the  Around the World quilt by Whole Circle Studio. January was Cairo and February was London. I am using Kona plains from my stash and predominantly those from the Tattoo quilt which I recently finished. I underestimated how much of the background fabric this block would use so as unable to finish the block last week. However it's now finished and put away with the other block.

For me there is a connection between the two blocks as in January 2020, we made our only trip of the year to London and whilst there I was able to secure tickets for the three of us to see the Tutankhamun exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. It was beautifully displayed with lots of room around each exhibit.

Nick, Lizzie and I went to see the latest Cirque du Soleil extravaganza at the Albert Hall too. Lizzie came down to Manchester to see us as Nick was in London for an operation at the Princess Grace Hospital. we were lucky to be able to get to London and the op was successful. Like many I really want to get off our little island even if it's just to visit the UK. Lizzie is back from Aberdeen so we are on day 4 of self isolation and she needs to get a negative day 10 test for us to be able to move freely away from our home and venture as far as the supermarket or go for a walk. 

Today we have woken to a smattering of snow so I will take a few outdoors photos of the Fraktal quilt which is now quilted and will be bound next week.

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