Monday, November 14, 2022

Rainbow Retreat 8 review


Last weekend it was retreat time again but more locally in Jersey. We were fewer attendees this time which made for a quieter classroom and earlier bedtimes. Waiting for us on our table when we arrived was an Aurifil bag with goodies inside including a magazine, Aurifil thread, Art Gallery Fabrics from Hantex, a scrap bag from Sew Hot and Bosal from Empress Mills. 

We're very lucky to be able to use the facilities at Crabbe which are usually used by youth groups and schools. Although accommodation is in bunk rooms, there's only one person sleeping in each room as some attendees choose not to sleepover. We definitely aren't slumming it as Laura makes fabulous home cooked meals for us. Tarte tatin anyone? There's underfloor heating to keep us warm but the sun was shining the whole weekend. We welcomed a new attendee this time - Roy the Rooster!! 

I only completed half of my first project - last week's block for the Quilting Life sewalong as I hadn't cut out enough pieces. This was definitely the theme of my weekend, but I did get two blocks of a four-patch block stitched. I plan to finish this week's and last week's block on Thursday to keep on track.

Next, I worked on my Sewology sewalong and again hadn't cut enough of two fabrics. I had tidied my Ruby Star fabric on my desk on Friday, so hubby located the fabric and passed it to the hubby of another attendee, so I finished the sewing machine block on Saturday. So I just have half a block left to stitch with a bias tape thread and then I can piece the blocks together. I might swap the sewing machine and scissors block as the aquas are too close in colour and tone.

On Sunday I worked on my "It's Trashion" applique by Sewquirky from my recent mystery box. I disliked the bondaweb supplied in the kit so swapped it out for Steam a Seam 2, the chenille also shed a lot of fibres so I have patched some places on the ibis' body. This will become a cushion, so I've ordered some more of the Aqua speckled Essex dyed linen to complete the back.

The last project that I worked on was coming up with a plan for my #miniseriessal2022 blocks. I am going to make two extra blocks for the middle row and then use a 1-inch sashing. Then I'll make the top into the size that I need with borders of the Oakshott cotton in silver. First, I need to redraft my bonus blocks as they were too chunky to fit in with the other blocks.

It was all over too soon. The raffle was held after our Sunday lunch, and I was delighted to win an empty Aurifil box which I can probably fill with the large spools I have around my sewing room.

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