Wednesday, July 13, 2022

WIP Wednesday - Havana again


Last week I completed all of the HSTs for this precut kit - kit from Modern Quilt Club and pattern by Paula Steel. All of the HSTs along with some squares are made up into four blocks and then there are flying geese units to make. I have been working on this every morning for no more than an hour and so far, I have achieved:

* All of the HST blocks have been laid out on my design boards

* I have stitched all of the HST blocks together

* There are eight permutations of flying geese and I have paired all of the combinations together and put them into individual bags.

* I have stitched five of the flying geese units

Somewhere on the internet I picked up the idea of making a decision once. The idea was illustrated with the example of those with children buying ten of the same present at the beginning of each year. I have utilised this idea with my Prairie Schooler Santas and I am now stitching them in chronological order. I have now decided to stitch the flying geese and block in the order they're shown in the pattern. Much simpler.

I have realised another benefit of the precut kit is no leftovers or scraps. I have also started a scrap project (more about that quilt next week) and the mess is phenomenal as I don't like to cut out all of the pieces before starting to sew.

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