Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Block of the month

You know I love a good block of the month (BOM) and despite setting myself the target to only have two on the go at any one time, I have jumped on the wagon four times!!

So which ones am I doing:
1. 2019 Perfect HST BOM Block-of-the-Month program with Freshly Pieced
This is released on the first Monday of each month so should be simple to keep up with.

 I chose the fabrics for this BOM from a Fat Quarter stack by Elizabeth Hartman. I may run out but I will just add another fabric from the bundle. I even attached a snippet to the handout to show which Kona plain I had substituted with which patterned fabric and got close on all of them. For background I am using Kona steel (or is it iron)!!

So far I have been able to us my Accuquilt dies to cut all of the half square triangles as having paid for the pattern, I am loathe to pay more for the special papers to sew the HSTs.

This is the February block, so far so good.

2. Threadology with Fat Quarter Shop
Not started yet but it is a four month programme so should be easy to keep up with. I will try and visit my LQS tomorrow to choose a background fabric.

3. Quiet Play Pattern Club
I was late to this one and have just made the pattern sent out before the programme started. This is three foundation patterns a month and month two ha just been released early. Again background fabric needs to be chosen and I may take this one to a retreat I am going to in June. It's always good to have a plan!!

4. The Quilter's Planner BOM
I have made the blocks for January and February but my iron spat on both blocks so I need to start again. However the patterns come with the planner so I think I will work on this at our Jersey Modern Quilt Guild retreat in March. I hope to finish this in April so I will be down to three BOMs.

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