Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hazel hedgehog

I've finished another project and in the same month I started it, despite promising myself not to start anything else. I blame Gnome Angel for hosting the Quilt Along (QAL)

Hazel Hedgehog QAL on

A few favourite blocks - Freddie the Fox on a background of Priory Square. I blanket stitched around the glasses on my Bernina.
Love the Cotton & Steel arrow print for the spines. All of the spines were Cotton & Steel - mostly from Jane's stash. typically I found another fat quarter in my stash, after I'd finished the blocks.
All of the backgrounds were low volume fabrics from my stash and the body and faces were plains from either my own stash or Jane's stash. All have now been returned. I purchased the binding which isn't a strip but behaves like a stripe, picking up the aquas and pinks from the blocks.


Linda in Arkansas said...

Well, isn't this just the cutest? Well done Sue.

Anita said...

I love all the fabrics here! I think I need to make some more Cotton + Steel Hazels now! The background fabrics are cool too! Great job!