Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Great expectations

Again I chose three items from my To Do list to action yesterday. However I realise now that when one of those items is to quilt a client's quilt which needs a lot of attention and can't be left to itself, I need to downgrade my own expectations.

So yesterday the three items to do we're:
1. quilt Lorraine's quilt;

2. fix two problems on my Farmer's Wife Quilt; and
3. press and starch the backing of my Farmer's Wife quilt. I must add a can of spray starch to my shopping list.

I managed two out of three so that wasn't too bad along with a hospital appointment and a lovely crafty lunch at Lorraine's. I also managed to do another scrappy trip around the world block which makes two so far.

1 comment:

Linda in Arkansas said...

Well, look at you go girl! You are really moving along. Good for you.