Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Maple & eucalyptus 1 to 40

It's not always the tricky or complicated blocks that have you reaching for your seam ripper. Block 31 was my nemesis. I sewed the centre into a nice block design, which was unfortunately not to the given design, then some triangles were pointing in the wrong direction. After multiple unpicking sessions, it's no wonder I couldn't get the block to lie flat and here's the evidence!! I did go back later and fix it. It's looking much flatter.

This is the most complex block in the quilt so far and is number 36. We were sent a foundation piecing template, but I couldn't find the email anywhere, so I drew up my own. It turned out better than block 31. Very low contrast, but it fits in with the colour scheme.

The first 40 blocks of 100 are now complete and I have just a few blocks to sew together, and the first four rows are complete. I'm looking forward to some simpler blocks next.


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