Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday finish - coco 3


This is the third version of the Coco dress by Tilly and the Buttons that I've sewn. The original is above the knee but unusually for me, I lengthened the dress by four inches. However, when buying fabric for two more versions at Festival of Quilts last year, I didn't allow for the extra fabric required!! I had planned to stitch another version of this pattern first but the fabric is directional so I swapped to this fabric by John Kaldor from Stitch Fabrics . Having worked around the shortage of fabric, I may be able to repeat the work around - watch this space!

I was particularly pleased with the label that I used. I find labels on the inside collar irritate my neck and I want to show off my pretty Kylie and the Machine labels. I folded under the top edge and stitched the label through all layers at the top of the label. I have a label picked out already for my next project as it's easy to forget to include them and often the easiest way to attach is in a seam.

I did a simple neck adjustment to remove the gaping I experienced in the other two versions that I stitched. I had problems stitching the hems despite using Maraflex. After I had elminated all other possibilities and eventually referred to the manual, I popped to my local store and picked up some stretch needles. It's amazing what the correct needle can achieve and I do appreciate the advice that my local store offers.

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