Wednesday, November 09, 2022

WIP Wednesday - Sewology


I prepped three blocks to take to the Modern Quilt Club (MQC) retreat - tomato, buttons and scissors.  I was out of sorts for the first two days of the retreat and I stitched some of the pieces of the buttons block wrongly. I spent two hours blanket stitching around the BUTTONS applique. I prefer the look of blanket stitch on raw edged applique. My friend had lent me a set of alphabet dies to cut the letters but they were too big. Problem solved when I found a brand new Accuquilt die at the back of my cupboard and they were almost the perfect size.

Now that I'm home I have my extra fabric and have finished the button card block.

I did get one block finished at the MQC retreat and that was the tomato pin cushion and pins block. I had drafted a foundation paper pieced pattern for the top of the pincushion which went together quickly.

I am off on a local retreat on Friday so plan to kit up the final three blocks to stitch at the retreat. If I accomplish that it will be a quick job to put the quilt together. I'm not looking forward to the bias applique and that will probably be the last block that I put together!!

I have counted eight finished blocks, one kitted up ready to stitch and three more blocks to prep.

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